Email Address:
Yahoo! ID: prisca107
MSN Messenger: [email protected]
Location: United States
One-Line Bio
I'm a tamer of technology.
I've been involved in technology since 1994. A few years ago I bucked up and got my MCSE, CCNA, and Masters in Web Design. But my actual background is in Anthropology. Specializing in Cultural Communications and International Relations.
I remember the first time I built my own computer. I almost had a panic attack when I dropped a screw into the case. Now of course I just kick the machine and yell until it conforms to my needs. (Sometimes they just need to be told who’s the boss.)
I digress.
My purpose for this website has changed. Originally it was created to give my clients tips and tricks on how to better manage their work flow using technology.
Now my focus is to help small businesses keep up with current trends in technology. Adding a personal touch to the industry. (I will try not to drudge on endlessly about data packets.) *smile*
** Those pesky 100 things.... **
1 - I don't like programming
2 - I love teaching
3 - I read trashy romance novels in my spare time
4 - I'm addicted to film and own over 2000.
5 - I laugh a lot
6 - I despise shopping for clothes (basically because the clothes I want are pricey and cheap clothes annoy me.)
7 - I devour books and read anything I can get my hands on
9 - I sing with the radio, mp3, anything all day long
10 - I think elephants are cool
11 - I can't cook
12 - I used to have nightmares about Big Bird trying to kill me
13 - I'm in mensa (not sure how that happened)
14 - I'm a member of the Salty Salt-Shaker-Square Dancing Troup (not sure how that happened either)
15 - I'm actually very shy
16 - Coolest title I ever had "Executive International Relations Coordinator"
17 - Most depressing title I've ever had "Popcorn Popper" at GCC (Who have since gone bankrupt and were bought out by AMC)
19 – What’s cool about working in a movie theater - free admission for you and friends
20 - Best thing about working in a movie theater - midnight sneak peeks of films that are being released the next day
21 – I drive a Camry
22 – My first car at 16 was a Camry
23 – If I wasn’t driving a Camry I would be driving something really sporty and fast like a Sportec
24 - Slow drivers annoy me
25 - I don't date slow drivers
26 - I judge people by the car they wish they were driving
27 - I watch a lot of cartoons
28 - I wanted to be a cartoon voice when I was a kid
29 - I thought if I was the voice I would get to be inside of the cartoon
30 - When I was a kid and we were poo'r I used to tape (as in cassette not VCR) the smurffs without my parents knowing and listen to it at night under the covers
31 - In school I used to do my work before class so I could read while the teacher was babbling
32 - I almost failed Business Law in high school.
33 - I passed Business Law when the professor and I came to an agreement. If I passed I could see his tattoos.
34 - My Business Law professor was in the Navy for 20+ years and had tattoos of naked women all over his arms and chest. He could make them "move"
35 - I have had secret crushes on men with tattoos ever since
36 - I had a crush on my History professor
37 - My fathers junior high Math teacher taught me how to square dance
38 - I actually don't like dancing
39 - I currently have crushes on 3 VC, 2 VP's, 1 Director, 2 Project Managers, 1 Airline Pilot, 4 Entrepreneurs, and 3 Published Writers
40 - I think I like having crushes
41 - People who don't like their jobs depress me
42 - I've had many jobs I don't like
43 - I like working out
44 - More I work out fatter I get
45 - I wish I hated working out then I might be skinny
46 - Muscle weighs more then fat - my ass!
48 - I wish I could read all day long only taking breaks to watch movies
49 - I love flying
50 - I enjoy going to the airport
**Whew 50 done!.... this will have to be a work in progress.**
Hardware implementation, software training/teaching, communications, network design and maintenance.